Monday, May 17, 2010

Smirnoff - It's quitessentially English cool

This ad by Smirnoff is almost too cool for school. Oh hey, let's all go out into the forest with chandeliers, antique chairs and totally eccentric 'nymph-like' costumes and have a fabulously cool party. We're soo quirky and arty and creative! As an American I can tell you that this ad would certainly not resonate with the 18-30 year old crowd its positioned at if it was shown in the states... it's way too eccentric. However, I bet their English counterparts think it's just 'brilliant'! But this is why I love this ad. I like the fact that I can recognize why it's quintessentially Enlish by nature and how it would resonate with the middle class English youth it's targeted at. I have to say as well, after living here for over 18 months now, it's starting to resonate with me too, despite my hard-bent American ways. So while this commercial is a bit silly and a bit OTT, I think it does a great job at positioning itself to a very influential audience. It's ads like these that help me to better understand the culture I live in.

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