Thursday, May 27, 2010

BP's digital brand voice

Is BP's digital brand voice at risk from a Twitter imposter that has amassed a following twice that of the petroleum supplier/Gulf Coast destroyer's own official feed? Apparently not because the other day BP told AdAge that they might not take it down. They said "People are frustrated at what's happening, as are we, and that's just their way of expressing it." If you take a look at @bpglobalpr you'll see the imposter tweets are quite humerous with gems like

"Catastrophe is a strong word, let's all agree to call it a whoopsie daisy."

"Proud to announce that BP will be sponsoring the New Orleans Blues Festival this summer w/ special tribute to Muddy Waters."

"Jelly beans, roller coasters, pizza and trampolines. Without oil, none of these would exist. Just something to think about."

However, according to Twitter the name @bpglobalpr isn't legal if it's not an official BP tweeter, they need to say explicitly that it's fake - which they don't. BP condoning this feed will certainly not help them improve their currently terrible reputation, in fact it only perseverates their image as an uncaring, money-hungry, environmentally unfriendly oil company. Why don't they start a retailiation tweet about their clean up efforts? Keep the public informed and try to reposition themselves in the mind of the American public.

Will be watching to see how long @bpglobalpr lasts...

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