Sunday, July 31, 2011

Honest Aldi

McCann Erikson is doing some great ads for Aldi right now to showcase the strength of their own label range. I particularly like this one not only because it's hilarious, but also because it's bravely honest and edgy. Aldi has let McCann poke fun at one of their key shopping demographics. She's the perfect character to sell mayonnaise. Everything is so well chosen: from her accent, to her hair, to the stack of gossip mags on the couch, they've painted a brilliant picture that will give an instant character read to the general UK audience, and hopefully sell more Aldi mayonnaise in the process...

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Humble (Pizza) Pie: Dominos Reinvents Itself

Did you know 40% of Dominos customers order pizza online? That is an outstanding figure. I don't know why I'm surprised, the whole word is on the internet. Dominos was suffering from low customer satisfaction. To show how confident they were about improved recipes and quality standards, they put their product to the ultimate test: broadcasting a live stream of customer Tweets, on a billboard in the middle of Time Square.

What an incredible piece of creative thinking from CP+B's Tony Calpao. Interestingly, according to Fast Company, Domino's CMO Russell Weiner says the campaign strategy was inspired by the book, The Art of War, in which Sun Tzu says the best way to win a war on an island is to blow up the bridge. With death or victory as the only options, troops have to fight for their lives, because there is no other way out. Aggressive. I like it.