Saturday, October 9, 2010

Get on board!

This is a Sony Playstation ad from 2004 which I recently discovered. I absolutely love the idea to physically represent what it's like to play video games online. Never before had such a large percentage of the global population be able to compete and connect with each other so easily. If you think about it, it's really like a global mountain of people duking it out for a chance to momentarily be the best in the world. The internet is mind boggling when you think about it... Plus, the song is just right.

Monday, October 4, 2010

AXA blends print with new media

This is an innovative idea. Stick your iPhone down on the print ad to find out what happened. It's a bit cumbersome to execute, you have to type in a URL and then select a language before the movie plays, nevertheless it's unlike any print ad I've seen. Might work even better with a scannable bar code... Have a look.